Can anyone else relate??


Hi ladies, just wanting to seek some advise if this has happened and or is happening to anyone. I 25 year old female am currently involved with a 26 year old female whom we have a sexual relationship. This has been happening for almost 2 years and over the past 2 years I have been the more giving type instead of the receiving type. Purely on the fact that I was not 100% comfortable and confident within my own skin to let her do anything to me and what we were doing worked and I enjoyed it and got pleasure from her pleasure and never had an issue.

Recently I’ve become more confident within my body and I’m more opened to being touched, but have come to notice that when she does go too that I don’t feel any pleasure and this is not to say that I don’t feel any pleasure from her at all because I do, I get turned on from her and any physical touch from her gives me goosebumps but when it comes to being touched down there I just feel nothing. Don’t know if anyone can shed some light on what I may be experiencing or feeling as I don’t know if I’m just still in my head about things or it’s a legitimate thing.
