Please help guys so confused:(


My periods are every 28 days and 4 days in length. I came on my period on the 10th of January and then I came off on the 13th of January. I ovulate on the 16th of January and then 6dpo on the 30th and 31st I noticed bleeding but only lasted 48hours. Then on the 14th of February after going toilet I wiped myself and noticed a bit of spotting thereafter nothing more it was just once. Today I have just gone toilet and I wiped my self and I noticed pinkish blood not your deep bloody red period unless it is. According to my app from when I last came on and off I was 12 days late today. The last couple of weeks I have felt bloated and Gasy and mild cramps too that come and go. Confused cus not sure if it's my period. Please note I have had all the proper checks with doctors and my fertility checks and hormonal checks all came back clear and good to go. I'm so confused I'm not sure what's going on I thought maybe I was pregnant I know you can show blood and still get period symptoms when pregnant but here's me plucking up the courage to take a test today and I notice blood. So no point I guess now. I just don't understand what's happening! The from today 18th February.