Baby fever confusion

I will start this off by saying both me and my partner are 26 years old. We have been together for almost 10 years so we are very secure in our relationship. Recently i brought up the fact that i want to start trying for a kid. Hes always known it was somthing i wanted and we have talked multiple times about when the "right" time would be for us to start having kids. The problem is everytime we talk about it he makes some type of excuse as to why we shouldnt. We started talking about how theres never really a perfect time. And if we wait for the "perfect" time than it will never happened. He agreed. And we started talking about all the family we have that started their families at 26 and did amazing. He said he was feeling more comfortable about having a family so i thought he was more open to the idea of us really starting to try. So i asked what his opinion was on when the baby should be born. He said we should aim for a spring baby, i think he didnt really think about when i would conceive, i said that sounds perfect. We can start july Aug, so we can aim for a spring time baby. He than breathed in deeply and started saying how it would be easier if our friends and family started having kids too..... like that matters..... bascially hes saying he now wants to wait for his cousins to start having children...... im so discouraged. I honestly feel like he dosnt want a kid with me and hes just pushing this back until i cannot have kids anymore. Like i just dont know how to feel. He seemed so open to starting a family until we started talking about when. I even suggested just letting nature take its course, not activly trying but not preventing and he just shrugged his shoulders and changed the subject.... im just confused and a bit hurt. We both agreed we wouldnt wait till we were 30 to have our first kid, but it seems like thats the way its going to end up going. And i know theres nothing wrong with people in there 30s having children. It just wasnt what i always dreamed of it that makes sense. Anyway thanks for listening to my dumb emotions. I hope one day ill get to live my dream of telling my partner we are having a family and him being excited instead of scared shitless and wavering...