Primary School Boyfriend

I don’t think I’ve ever got over my primary school boyfriend. We’re now 33 and still live in the same town, I very very rarely would be speaking to him but see him in his car etc at times.

There’s something about him that gives me butterfly’s and when he looks at me I feel there’s something there and that we’re meant to be together.

I’ve been with my husband for 14 years, married for 7, we’ve two kids together, the youngest just 6wks old and we’re thinking of separating. Part of me wants to fight for our marriage for the sake of the kids even though I feel it’s over and the other part of me thinks I need to leave and that somehow I’ll end up with this other man. He is single and has never been married but I have no idea how he feels about me.

Am I living in a fantasy world or could my feelings about this man being my soul mate be real? Thinking about him isn’t something new, I’ve always thought we should be together however he was also in a relationship when I married my husband so tried to ignore my feelings.