Help professor failing

I am a mom of 3 and I decided I need a degree so I can get a better job. I am working 2 jobs and going to college. I have been keeping a 4.0 gpa. I pay for classes out of pocket because I didn't qualify for loans. This one class just ended and my final grade is an F. I have turned in all my assignments and projects on time and had an A prior to my final exam. Now everything was always due by 11:00pm throughout the course and this is an online course. The final exam was due at 11:00am. I misread it. At 6:00pm that same day, when I went to take the exam I realized it said late. I immediately emailed the professor. I begged her, apologized for my mistake and asked her to please let me take it still. She said no. My grade dropped because of this and now I am having to retake the course. I have to pay for it out of pocket again, and take it in the summer. My gpa is going to go down as well. I have been crying. I had a panic attack. I don't know what to do. Although she won't accept it I took the exam the same day but late, to see what I would get on it- I got 90%. What do I do? I didn't ask for an extension. It was a mistake, I misread 11:00pm instead of 11:00am. All other assignments were always due at 11:00pm. I can't stop crying.