Possibly pregnant immediately after abortion.


I had a medical abortion at home that was completed on March 16th. I went to the doctor four days later to check up on everything and everything seemed to be fine, I never had my hormones rechecked though. Anyways I started birth control immediately when the doctor told me I could and refrained from sex for three weeks. I’ve had intercourse mostly with a condom and pulling out at the same time or just pull out method. Honestly the guy that I’m with anyways never has an orgasm he’s got some health issues of his own but that’s another story. I’ve been very safe in my opinion to prevent pregnancy. I have three kids and take care of them all on my own. I’m supposed to be traveling the world soon and changing my career path. I had my procedure almost 8 weeks ago and took a test Sunday at 3am (when I get out of work) just to be safe because I’ve been extremely emotional the last few days and they all are positive. Is there a possibility that there is some other reason I’m getting positives or I’m just pregnant again and fucked? Has anybody been through anything similar to this? Also I just had a period on April 16th. Support and help would be appreciated