But why NOW? Please help . I feel alone.

I’m coming on here to reach out and get some advice, or just see what you ladies have to say about this. I have no one to go to with my feelings, worries, fears, sadness ANYTHING. I don’t trust many people and a lot of people I’ve put my trust in over the years turned around and betrayed me in some way.

I’ll start from the sort of beginning..

in my past, I was not the greatest person. I struggled with alcohol & drugs for some time. That being, it brought me to have no respect for myself or others. I was a player, some what promiscuous, liar, etc basically all the bad traits you wouldn’t want to be.

I have been 3 years sober now from drugs and 5 months from alcohol. My whole personality, soul, how I view life, others around me and the love I have for myself and others have completely changed for the better but I feel like as of lately people are judging me and talking shit about me still. Maybe still assuming I’m still that same person. I don’t know why I care what they think because these are people that aren’t even in my everyday life, their just people on my social media that have heard about me, or maybe knew me during the days I wasn’t the greatest person. I don’t associate with anyone, hangout with anyone, I’ve basically isolated myself and what baffles me is the fact people think they know what I’m about but they don’t! My point is- why do I care what they think of me? Why do I care what they’re assuming about me? Why do I care?!

I used to not give a fuck because I know what’s true and I know the person I am today, but why all of a sudden do I feel the need to explain myself or prove to people I’m better now?

Please help? This is a shitty feeling that idk how to shake off.