We have only been married for 6 months this man is not right at all. He lied before me and the Lord when he spoke his vows. He is an emotional abuser a text book narcissist consumed with demons and I cannot take it anymore. I get only 2 days max a month of him being nice. He embarrasses me when we go out in public he screams and hollers and throws tantrums and Is very possessive of me however does not want me. In the mist of me completely separating I can’t just pick up and leave my circumstance does not allow me to do that at this time. I’m at a point where I yearn for intimacy and I refuse to sin in any way but I don’t want to be intimate with him anymore I don’t trust him plus he treats me horrible. I need to know if masturbation is wrong and I need scripture to back it up. I’m married and this is all the way wrong I don’t want anything to do with this man I don’t hate him I just dislike strongly how he did me and the horrible position he has put me in.