Possible endometriosis?


So about a year ago I noticed that every single month around the same time I was getting a extreme pain in my side that alternated sides each month. I started keeping track of it and it was happening about a week after my period. (When I’m ovulating)

Because initially I thought it was constipation, which I’ve dealt with my whole life. But once I noticed that it was happening at the exact same time each month I thought that was odd.

It started to become difficult to have sex especially around the time I’m ovulating. It was and still is (a year later) extremely painful for me to have sex.

So after googling all of my symptoms, everything led to endometriosis.

My periods aren’t super painful. They’re bearable. The first few days are pretty heavy but other than that it’s not that bad. The worst pain I get is when I’m ovulating.

I get extreme pain in my butt, to wear I can barely sit down. When I do sit down the pain radiates to my side and wraps around my back. I sometimes get that pain on my period as well.

The pain I get when I’m ovulating is so bad I can barely stand up straight & the only thing that helps is a heating pad. Tylenol doesn’t help.

So I decided to go to my regular doctor to see what she thought. I told her all of my symptoms without telling her that I think it’s Endo and the first thing she said was “it sounds like endometriosis”

So after that doctors appointment I had to schedule an appointment with my OB. My OB said that it could be Endo but they can’t diagnose it unless I get the surgery. Which she doesn’t recommend. She said that I’m young (I’m 24) & if I don’t have endometriosis, the surgery could cause problems for me in the long run such as scar tissue. She also doesn’t recommend it because I do have regular periods. I’m pretty regular every month. I also have 2 kids ages 4&2. We haven’t been trying for another kid but we haven’t been super careful and preventing it.

After my OB appointment I had to get an ultrasound done in which they did find one cyst on my right ovary. They said it was small and nothing to worry about which I believe because I know cysts are common. But that’s pretty much the end of it. I haven’t been back to the doctors since but I still get the excruciating pain every single month. The pain usually lasts a day or two but it’s so bad that it makes me nauseas. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had these exact same symptoms and has Endo. Because I don’t want to get a risky surgery if I don’t have it but I also just don’t know what to do at this point. I feel lost & helpless when it comes to this. I’m scared of it being something else more serious. I want to go back to the doctors but I feel like I’m just going to get told the same thing & recommended birth control again which I do not want to do.

Thank you if you read all this any input is appreciated❤️