
Hi everyone. I know the right thing for me to do is get an abortion he isn’t ready and I’m not either. I fell pregnant the first time we slept together so there are no feelings involved between me and him… I’m really stuck and struggling as I decided to have a 7+1 day scan to help my decision but I think it’s made it worse I was 99% getting rid the one percent depended on the scan I thought would make a 100% decision instead it’s made me feel extreme GUILT. I seen the heartbeating. Now I’m leaning toward keeping even though I know it’s not right for me right now and really don’t want to I already have a 15month old. How do I get over this feeling and is it really a ‘baby’ right now😭 what would u do I’m so so stuck I’ve not stopped crying all night I’ve never been in such a dark place. Someone help me as much as I know u can’t make my decision has anyone been in this position how do u do it 😭