please help me

tumnbly • Angel mom of 2

Hey mamas

I’m 24 years old and got diagnosed with gestational diabetes and i am so depressed. I know i might sound shallow and dumb but i weighed a normal weight prior to this pregnancy and now im nearing 200 lbs. My partners family has history of GD but i’m so far the first in my family. It’s making me feel very alone and very overwhelmed. I also just got put on disability cause my job couldn’t accommodate my needs. I’m at 31 weeks and drs say i might be able to deliver early but they don’t plan on it. Does anyone have any meal/ snack options that don’t suck lol? I’m always starving and eating nuts or vegetables for every meal is just making me hate my life. I used to be vegetarian until this pregnancy but i still do hate the taste of meat even though my body craves it. Please please help me because i’m feeling very scared and alone and miserable and i don’t want to hate every moment of this pregnancy.