Oversupply returning?


My baby is a month old so I know my supply is still regulating. I initially had a really intense over supply (over 60+ extra oz a day) because I had to exclusively pump for a few days immediately post partum. Since then baby is exclusively breastfed and no extra pumping besides my haakaa. I have since gotten my over supply down to about 15-20 extra oz a day which I am comfortable maintaining as I am now a donor for my local milk bank. However for the last 2 days I’ve noticed my supply creeping back up. Yesterday I froze about 30 extra oz and today I’ve already gotten 20oz. the only thing I can think that is different is weaning off the nipple shield and taking sunflower lecithin. Baby is gaining really well and having plenty of wet diapers. Is this just part of supply regulating? Can I expect it to go back down on its own? Or do I need to quit using the haakaa? Again, I don’t want to drop my over supply completely, but I definitely don’t want to go back to a crazy oversupply.