Postpartum? Discontinue BF?

2 weeks and a half PP. Breastfeeding and pumping because I need a break at the nipple sometimes. It hurts. I give up. I’m waking up one day with purple lips shivering my ass off and next day drenched in sweat. I drink one soda and one brownie and my newborn is crying like crazy after a few feeds. Is it cause of my diet? It’s too stressful and too hard. I feel extremely overstimulated. The baby is crying nonstop after a feed. Nothing works. Pacifier, no. Music, no. Being held, sometimes. Diaper change, no. Any hair or anything bothering her fingers or body, no. It’s just constant constant crying and screaming. This constant crying barely just started at the 2 week mark. Pediatrician says they’re just being a normal baby, and it’s not colic. Anyway, I need a break from BF. I want to just make a bottle with formula and call it a day. I’m so stressed I just wanna eat when I want for right now. I can’t stop my production. I’m leaking like crazy. When I would pump, I’d make 16-20oz total. I tried to avoid pumping for a day and leaked so bad where I’m drenched, LITERALLY DRENCHED. They are so engorged and painful I cant even touch it without crying in pain. Im actually going insane in this house. I really just want the milk production to END. I googled it and it says don’t pump it’ll cause more supply but I’m literally in so much pain. I don’t know what to do. Completely end BF or just take a break. How can I achieve either one?