General advice please…


So my last period was on the 20th June skip to today and I am 2 days late on my period as my cycles are only 25 days and i bleed for only 4 days. Obviously I’ve been getting faint positives, and today from working it out I would be supposedly 4 weeks pregnant, I’ve had a fair few symptoms, bloating, nausea, food aversions, fatigue, urinating loads and cramps. And today I’ve had the most horrendous cramps in all of my lower abdomen (there isn’t no bleeding) and been feeling really sick, I don’t feel 100% either in myself, I feel worn out, really hot, dizziness and a pounding headache. Does this sound like signs of implantation.

I know everyone’s body is different when it comes to pregnancy as you can ovulate later etc.

I’m just worrying for nothing probably but this will be my 2nd pregnancy.