my health anxiety is ruining my life.

i just need some reassurance. my anxiety has convinced myself i have a blood clot in my lungs. i went to the ER around July 6th and my d-dimer was 519, so positive - they did a CT to rule out blood clots - they said it was negative, no blood clots. i went back July 9th because my heart rate shot up to 156, and she was going to do a ct to see but my d-dimer was 467 so she didnt. i have been experiencing a lot of pain in my back where my lungs are, my heart is racing into the 120s, i have SOB and it feels like i have to manually breathe and it hurts in my back and under my breasts near my rib cage sometimes when i breathe. i am SO scared 😭 i have a family, im not ready to go. i know i sound crazy but i just cant get my brain to stop telling me im going to die.