Boss winking at when he’s talking to me.

I might be over reacting and I’ve been reading on Reddit that sometimes it’s a friendly gesture but in my moms country, if a man winks it’s a gesture of “find you attractive”

The reason why I am asking is because I was actually terminated at my previous job because I had complained about my previous GM making sexual comments. I actually have a lawsuit on this. So now I’m paranoid as hell …don’t want to bring this up to HR and then get fired again….

I know a wink is different from sexual comments.

So last week we had a conference. I got to the meeting early. It was just me, him, and another employee. We were waiting for the rest of the team. To spark a conversation I started to ask about everyone’s weekend plans. He said something and winked. It didn’t even warrant for a wink.

Today we had another meeting and I was watching closely how he talked to others. Didn’t wink.

Then I was speaking and he responds and winks. I feel so awkward now and I don’t know why I feel odd….

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