We never get a ‘family vacation’ by ourself

Every time my husband plans a ‘family vacation’ he plans it with his family and it’s starting to get annoying. He says it’s so they help out with our 4 kids but the thing is, his family never helps out with our kids.

He pays for the vacations and I have to watch his family take advantage of him. It’s as little as his family ‘not having enough money’ and wanting souvenir shirts with their child’s name on it.

I don’t like my husband being taking advantage of.

Every trip we have been together and his family has came and he paid the way.

I begged to take a family trip with just our family. He tells me he doesn’t have enough money… and then he informs me that him and his brother talked and we all might go to the beach.

So I have to watch my 3 brother in laws, 2 sister in laws, MIL and then their 3 kids take advantage of my husband. I think it’s ridiculous that I can’t have a trip with just my family and when I talk with my husband he ‘doesn’t have enough money’ for just us to go but when his whole family wants one, they get one.

I am craving alone time with my family and it seems like I’ll never get it. His family is too involved in our regular day to day life and we literally see them every day. I want time away from them. It seems bad but it is how it is. I just want to be with my family and make memories without them being there all the time 😭

If I bring it up, he’ll get mad. He’ll bring up we need help with the kids, but we don’t need their help…. They don’t even help us to begin with

Not to mention it won’t be fun AT ALL because his mom will be stuck up his butt and I can’t get a word in at all. She’s rude and cuts me off every chance I get when I talk to my husband. She’s the type of MIL that thinks I stole her son away from her.

It just sucks that I can’t come to an agreement with my husband but he can talk to his brother and they make plans without me… what if I didn’t want to go with everyone? I feel like we are pretty capable of taking care of our four kids.. before when I asked why we can’t just go as family, he said, “why fun would that be?” So I don’t know. I don’t understand his logic.