10 week advice?


I’m 10.5 weeks and I’m wondering if anyone out there has advice on how to handle my roughest symptoms! The hardest one that brings me to tears are my nibbles. From what I’ve read and learned I have low blood flow when cold, and have always had cold hands and feet. Now, I’m warmer and am loving AC and cooling down, except the nipples! Seriously, cool and staying chill helps the morning sickness The get cold and I have the most intense stabbing/burning pain in the nipples and they turn white. Does anyone else have this and how do you balance the need to stay cool with keeping them warm?

Another is the GAS! OMG how does anyone deal with the gas? Almost painful at times and adds to the nausea…. I’m eating healthy and nothing super gas producing but oh man. My diet is restricted to Gluten Free and stuff that my morning sickness doesn’t deem nauseating.

Last… migraines while pregers? I finally connected a trigger point migraine to my nausea and dizziness, for the most part. I have a bad spasm that is triggering it but can’t take any of my migraine meds. I’ve KT taped the worst of the knots and was told I could take Excedrin but I’m still getting the migraine and all it lovely side affects.

Any advice appreciated on any or all of these! 🙏❤️‍🩹❤️