Child’s father left me and im pregnant😭

As the title says he bounced on us, our daughter is 11 months old and I’m pregnant with our second.

I have no friends or family here so I’m working on moving back to my home state which is all the way on the other side of America 🤦‍♀️

I’m heartbroken and stressed to the max, he’s made a habit since our daughter was born to leave out of anger then come back, and each time I stupidly let him back in he slowly became worse and I never get the time to heal from one outburst before the next one comes on.

He says our sex life is the worst because it’s so rushed since we never have child care we have to distract her before being able to sneak off and he hates having to hurry up.

I’m the only person who takes care of her day to day needs and I’m also the only one up with her at night because he works so he needs his sleep.

By the time she’s out for the night I’m exhausted from chasing her around all day and catering to him or cleaning his messes.

The connection I guess is just gone no matter what I do.

I need some advice here because I’m really struggling. I want my family so bad but he seems like he just doesn’t give a shit about me anymore and is so so mean to me. He says the worst shit just to hurt me and he admits it too but never apologizes. I know I shouldn’t want to be with someone like him but damnit he used to be so different I don’t even recognize who he’s become. I’ve grown up alone and always wanted a family of my own, feels like it’s just not in the cards and I’m so heartbroken for my babies not being able to grow up in a healthy environment with both parents.

I get to find out what I’m having tomorrow and he won’t even be there.. please any encouragement to move forward and how to help my daughter adjust to this would be appreciated 😔