Vaginal after C-Section


I had my first son seven years ago via C-section. The healing was terrible. I hated being on the pain medication and I feel like I was out of commission for forever. I’m now 27 weeks pregnant and I have been informed that I can probably have a Vbac as long as everything stays good which so far it has. Now I really do want to push, but to be completely honest. I’m also terrified to push. I keep hearing horror stories about the ring of fire and tearing and having to push for hours things I did not have to experience with my first son number one because I only labored for like seven hours and number two because I never even got a chance to try to push, please ladies tell me your experience with having a vaginal delivery after a C-section. And if you could go back, would you still have the vaginal delivery or would you have had another C-section?