Urghhh 😒 advice welcome

My husband and I rarely spend time with or on each other until nighttime when our kids are asleep. I purposely didn’t have sex with him for like 2.5 weeks because he seems to only wanna “cuddle” when he wants it. Nights he don’t want it he rather play online with his friends instead of doing something fun at home.

Guys, I’m just so hurt and have so much build up. I’m the same person that made a post a month or so ago saying how I made us drinks and wanted to listen to music and just chill. But he ended up having a drink and went to bed, although he stayed up online multiple days prior playing online. I don’t feel like I’m married honestly. I just feel like I’m just here. He doesn’t cook, he’s lazy, for example his dirty laundry will pile in mountain shape and he will wash them in a span of a few days to to a week. Not being mean, but I hate kissing him cause his breath smells like poo, I’ve brought this to his attention and after his dental cleanings it goes away but then it comes right back. He drinks alcohol daily. Like straight liquor no mixer, he pours it in a regular cup and drink it like water. When he had his physical that I had to keep reminding him about. One of his levels for his liver came back higher than normal. Can’t remember what type of test.

I really pray I find the urge to leave him. We’ve been together for over a decade so this will be new to me when and if I leave him. Where do I start? How do I start? I just want attention and to be loved on outside of special occasions. With that said I’m going to sleep now since he’s still playing the game.

Then today he mentioned he wanted alone time to do something he enjoyed. I told him to go for it. I think he is no longer interested in me but he doesn’t want to admit it. I’ve also seen history in his phone or him looking at ass pics and going to the person profile to look at the other pics. This has been going on for a while but I told him I was leaving and never did. So now I think he’s just good at deleting or hiding it now.