Why does my boyfriend always throw me under the bus?

Every time me and my boyfriend agrees on something, and someone questions it, he always blames me for it. His dad suggested that when we move, we should take their washer machine with us. Problem is that the part where you put detergent is gross and moldy so I told my boyfriend that we should just buy a new one, which he agreed on. His dad later asked why we didn’t want their washer and my boyfriend said “well… because… she wanted a new one”. His grandma once stopped by and wanted to buy food for the dogs, my boyfriend wanted a drink from the store and asked me if I also wanted one, I said “sure” so he called his grandma and said “can you buy this drink? she wanted it really bad”. We had a bbq with his family and my boyfriend got tired and wanted to go to bed, when they asked us where we were going he said “yeah sorry, she’s tired”. His mom was planning dinner for everyone, some days prior to this she had cooked an amazing meal that I really liked because I was the only one that hadn’t tried it before. My boyfriend asked “can you make this meal again? she wanted it again” and his mom complained that it is really time consuming making that dinner and I felt really bad and guilty because it wasn’t my idea. I joined my boyfriend and his soccer friends on fishing trip, and of course they only talked about soccer. When the guys left to pick up stuff from the car, my boyfriend said that it’s okay for me to talk as well and I said that I have nothing to say since they’re only talking about sports. When the guys came back my boyfriend said “guys we should talk about something else, she doesn’t like it”. It was so embarrassing… He does this every time and it’s really annoying how he puts the blame on me. It makes it seem like i’m some bossy, entitled brat.