
Bridget NZ 🌈

Last night I had period like pains for a min or two then went toilet & had some fresh blood when wiping. I had a quick shower & a small clot came out… after 2 hours the bleeding or spotting had stopped & I haven’t had anymore bleeding over night- the bleeding was very minimal. I still have a constant dull ache though & a sore lower back but I have had the sore lower back right from the start. I’m currently 7weeks5days & my ultrasound scan a week ago at 6weeks4days showed I was measuring correctly & had a heartbeat of 122….. I’m wondering what people think- is this the start of a miscarriage if the bleeding/spotting has stopped or more likely to be a haematoma? 💕 please be kind I have infertility issues and it’s taken a long time to get here