Feeling unreasonably frustrated towards a friend

One of my friends has an almost 2 year old and I just found out she and her husband are trying for a second. I know we all go through our struggles but it’s hard not to get annoyed and frustrated when my husband and I have been TTC for close to 2 years with unexplained infertility and are moving to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> in the coming months. My friend got pregnant her first month trying the first time, and now she’s upset because it’s been 2 months of trying the second time and it hasn’t happened yet. My husband and I are very private and haven’t told many people about our fertility journey, so she didn’t know about our struggles. But it’s just really tough not to get frustrated when you hear things like that. And I know if she had known what we were going through that she would be the most supportive and probably wouldn’t have even expressed her feelings about not getting pregnant right away again. I’m just starting to have a hard time not feeling resentment in these situations