I don't know how to feel...

We been dating for months, just made it official a month ago. I am also pregnant because of a broken condom. Things have been cool..he's been very supportive.

Tonight: He said I love u on the phone and when I asked jim to repeat, he did not. Well, after we got off the phone, I texted him snd said, " and I love u."

He messaged back 5 minutes later and said, " I did not mean to say that, but I have love for you."

I've had my guard up for sometime, and after today, when he encouraged me to tell my family about the baby, I let it down because he was Telling me he has my back, describing what he wants for us in the future, and expressing how he wants us to be a family and he wants me to stop saying im doing things alone because he's going ro be here, and etc. That sh*t really crushed me (him saying it was a mistake). I appreciate his honesty, but it still hurts. Now im back to self-sufficent mom mode.

Would you feel bettayed to or is this just my hormones talking?