Dengue and Aunt Flow


Dengue and Aunt Flow don't mix... Posting this for anyone who is unlucky enough to catch Dengue and then Aunt Flow is MIA and you're thinking WTF?! Especially when you're TTC!

I got sick (as in actual symptoms started) Aug 8th. Things went downhill from there and I was really sick with fever, chills, severe body aches, rash, vomiting, nausea, congestion, severe headaches, ear aches, throat aches for a solid 7days! Taking pain killers and anti-nausea pills every 4hrs around the clock. And wasn't fully functional again until probably about Aug 27th. Thankfully I was blessed not to have hemorrhagic fever!

Anyways, Aunt Flow was due Sept 1st and is rarely if ever late, I tested multiple times to see if I was pregnant but nothing. Roll around Sept 8th and Aunt Flow only now arrived!

Google says Dengue doesn't affect your cycle, but given the predictability of my cycle and the only variable was Dengue, coupled with the many other Google search results of other women posting the same thing, I would tend to disagree.

Dengue fever 100% impacted my menstrual cycle!

So if you catch dengue...

1. Go to hospital, don't be a trooper, let them help you

2. Your cycle may well be affected

3. Feel better soon sister 💗🙏