Getting divorced about opinions

My wife is a very radical person, she labels herself a progressive and she gets into every single detail of every little thing constantly, I can’t talk about a certain public figure or musician without her pointing out something terrible they’ve done or tell me how much of a terrible person they are and why. But it’s constant, and it gets so much more worse than what i exampled. We were at a little league football game and I can’t peacefully watch the game without my wife constantly making comments about football or how boys are conditioned a certain way and yatatata….it somehow goes into these rants about how everything in the world is corrupt, all white people are white supremacist (she’s white), Palestine is connected to all of our freedom and we need to overthrow the system. She goes completely south of what we are presently doing or talking about in time wether we’re watching a movie or sitting outside, anything you mention will turn into a rant and the worst part about this is no one else can have an opinion, she gets very a very aggressive tone when you disagree with her or if you have a different opinion which makes me feel like I’m walking on eggshells, I once told her someone had an opinion about something and she corrected me and got visibly mad at me and said “it’s not an opinion if facts” which sure whatever but she wouldn’t let it go she said that it’s dangerous for me to the word “opinions” absent minded like. She gets aggressive when she sees young boys horsing around or play fighting, and it stems from her hatred of men, it’s even gotten to the point where she thinks my 12 years old nephew is a “little shit” because he’s a BOY. We had an argument tonight about all these behaviors and she proceeded to tell me that I need to be more worried about these issues going on in the world and that I do nothing to spread awareness or help and my “mentality” is gonna kill all of us by being complacent. The thing is I’m progressive as well but I’m not as extreme as she is. Anyway the argument got heated and she threw her ring on the ground and said we’re done, I simply voiced how I felt because as of lately I’ve been pretty depressed and she’s been making it worse, she showed me dead babies in Palestine and only talks about the horrors of the world, I understand it’s going on actively but it has consumed her to the point where she’s becoming depressed and emotionally shut off. So as of now she’s “done”, I don’t know what to do, I feel so lost and confused on how this all escalated like this. Any advice or opinions?