Might have a positive pregnancy test on holiday (I do *not* want to get pregant)

Sorry for the long read!!!

First some background info: I'm on holiday and will be travelling the next few days constantly to reach an internship abroad.

I used to have periods last 7-10 days with very heavy bleeding. Since about 1 to 1.5 years my period has decreased to 4-5 days with a very light flow. I do not want to get pregnant atm and cannot afford it/it would completely mess up my masters degree.

My partner and I use condoms always and are very careful. There hasn't been a rip, tear and oops-moment in the last months.

My last period was at the beginning of August, and according to the glow prediction (which has been very accurate (apart from a day or max. 2 days rarely) for the last years) my next period was 7 days late. When I got it it was very light and bright red on the first day, and brown and extremely little the following two days. If I hadn't been using a menstrual cup, I don't think I would have noticed those two days at all!

I ended up taking a pregnancy test and the picture is posted here. There was a very faint line (what do you guys think? Is it positive? Could it be negative?)

I've also had some weird things since about 1 to 1.5 years: my period has gotten a lot lighter and shorter, my breasts hurt a shit ton before I get my period (like a week before for a week), I've gotten a lot more emotional and can't control my emotions during my period (before that I hardly ever had mood swings).

I know that most of you will say to see a doctor. Don't worry, that is the plan. But it's difficult to organize it and get an appointment while being in a different place almost every day. And my internship will be on a small island.

If I am pregnant, I will have to get an abortion. If anyone has any info on how that works and what loops I have to jump through in italy or greece, please let me know!

Thanks guys!