medical roller coaster, help!


My lymph nodes, in my groin leg area, have been swollen for almost a month now. I went into the er because my head and hip and actually pretty much everything was hurting, but especially those two areas. I had had a migrane for 3 days at that point. That was almost a month ago on a friday. Well they told me I was 5 weeks pregnant, and had a uti and gave me antibiotics and sent me off. The next night I got bit by a recluse on my leg. So I just wasnt doing well. Well I went to urgent care on monday because my head and hip still hurt so badly. She did a covid test, then when it was negative, was like "yeah, its probably viral. Good luck" and literally did nothing else. Well a new ob in the area was willing to rush me in, that day. So he ordered a sono for my hip, and that turned out to be swollen lymph nodes. He gave me a stronger antibiotic, and wanted to check my hcg since when they did it at the er it was low for 5w (24). When he tested it, it was super low still. So he had me do a few more over the next 2w and it was super low and slow to progress. Like in 10 days, it wend up to 121.. My migrane eventually went away, I think that Wednesday after the urgent care. But then I had to go back (to that same idiot at urgent care unfortunately) because i had a reaction to the amoxicillin. My whole body including my face was enflammed and covered in red spots in an intense rash. She switched my antibiotic to something different. Then I started bleeding lightly, and clotting. So when I went back to the ob he got me into an ultrasound for the next week and also was like "I dont understand why she put you on that antibiotic if you had a reaction to amoxicillin because theyre so similar." And I was like -_- *dat bish*. But like omg wtffffffhfjwnsjjsvwbsj. Well then I started bleeding heavier, and the ultrasound showed no fetal pole, and a cystic mass in my uterus and a resolving cyst in my left ovary. I was supposed to be about 8w at that point. And then the whole house caught covid. Well I seem to be done miscarrying, no more bleeding, I am recovered from covid, I am long done with the antibiotics, yet MY LYMPH NODES are still swollen. And the skin over them just looks weird to me?? Its pictured. I just dont understand why they are still so swollen and gross looking.