7 Days Post Op


I just had an Open Myomectomy September 3,2024.. they took out 5 Fibroids the two largest one were weighing down on my uterus causing it to fold over which caused two miscarriages, the latest miscarriage was Aug 3rd, 2024 and it was so painful. I had to have these murderers removed ASAP… I only seen my Doctor a day after the surgery he said everything looks good everything is still intact and I should be able to conceive in 6-12months after a major surgery you want to allow your womb to heal. Trying to early you run a risk of your uterus rupturing during your third trimester or labor… I was able to walk on my own a day after surgery however it still hurts like hell 7 days later.. I’m still taking it easy no yelling , standing for too long Doctor doesn’t want me to return to work until 6 weeks but idk about that I need my money but I will certainly take it easy… I will update my recovery at 14 days post op