Placenta previa at 32 weeks


So I’ll be 33 weeks Monday. I had a nst today and baby was non reactive so they sen time for a quick bpp to be sure he was alright. He was fine just asleep they said but they did see that I had placenta previa not sure if it was partial or what all he said was “have I had an bleeding” I told him no and he stated ultrasound showed that my cervix was covered by my placenta. And by this point in pregnancy it should’ve moved and at this point as well it may not move. So he rescheduled me another ultrasound for oct 21 I’ll be 37 weeks. And if it still hasn’t moved I would be scheduled for a c section which sucks because for one I’m

Scared as hell of the Anesthesia and scared to be cut. I’ve never had a c section I’ve pushed all of my children out and I just wanna know if anybody has been in this situation before and the placenta moved just in time ?