Baby Aspirin for TTC?

I went down the rabbit hole of figuring out methods to increase chances of getting a bfp and successfully conceiving. I stumbled upon suggestions to use baby aspirin which helps increase chances of implantation during the tww. I’m on month 5 of ttc and I’m worried that there’s something wrong with me and I could be the reason why we aren’t conceiving.

I tracked my last cycle using OPKs and pinpointed my ovulation day. However I was disappointed when af came as predicted and I’m aware it takes 6 months up to a year to conceive but I’m just tired of getting bfns. Last time during the tww I got these odd cramps a day or so before my period that felt like period cramps.. I never get period cramps during my actual period so I thought it was odd.

Anyway, I’m unsure to fully commit to trying baby aspirins because it’s a blood thinner and I’m worried it could cause some unintended side effects if I take it daily without there being a medical need for me to do so…