Any success stories after having an hcg of 4 before AF?


I am 3-4 days out from the day AF is due and tested and received a positive, not quite as dark as the control line but nearly 100% of Glow voters said positive and were congratulating me (just explaining since we can't post photos of test here). After many miscarriages my dr had me do a blood test and it came back with an hcg of 4, when the clinical determination of pregnancy is usually above 5, but they feel there's still hope since it's a few days till AF so i'm testing again in two days. I have had two successful pregnancies awhile ago and both were low hcg at first.

My question is have any of you been at a 4 or other low hcg on your first blood draw pre- AF and then went on to see it double or have successful pregnancies and not chemicals?? Needing some hope but also preparing for the worst. Thank you