Positive 👶🏼💙🩷

Alisha • Caleb 21/03/2018 3:40am weighing 5lb 13oz! 🙊👶🏻 💙 Lylah Rose 19/12/2021 7.08am weighing 6lb 13oz 👶🏼💖

After losing my children’s daddy in December 2021 just 8 days before our beautiful daughter was born 🥺 I am happy to announce that me and my partner are expecting our first baby together! And his first ever child.

This labour and experience will be full of happiness this time 🤞🏻🥹💙🩷

I have previously had an ectopic pregnancy so have an early scan tomorrow to make sure everything okay!🤞🏻

Update: I went for my early scan yesterday and they confirmed a gestational sac but couldn’t see a yolk sac yet. Based on my ovulation dates on here I could be 4 or 5 weeks pregnant so that could be why 🤞🏻 going back in 9 days time to see if there’s any progress 🥺 I really hope we’ll see it!