Anyone have elective induction stories?



I am on the books for the 9th cus I’m absolutely miserable ^_^ I went into labor naturally with my first before I could schedule one. So hopefully that happens again this time. But any stories and what to expect if I make it to the 9th?

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I was induced at 40+5 due to extreme swelling and some other issues and him measuring very large. He ended up being 10.9 lb. Induction for me was long and grueling because I had to get cervidil, the foley bulb, pitocin, you name it, and it took about 2.5 days from start to finish. My advice would be to eat. For 29 hours of that experience I was not allowed to eat and I had not really eaten much substantial prior to so the bodily exhaustion from food deprivation was real


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I had elective induction my last pregnancy and having it again this pregnancy on November 2Nd at 8 am! Lol. With my last induction it was pretty smooth, from the time I checked in which was 7 am until the time he was actually delivered it was 730pm. I was in lqbor for about 8 -9 hrs. I was stuck at 4-5 centimeters then nurse came in and turn my in my side and put a peanut ball between my legs I shot to 10 centimeters! Then it was time to push. Oh and my epidural didn’t work . Other than that everything went smooth. I’m having my 3rd boy