Advice on bringin that spark back ?

I need tips . On how to restart my relationship. We’ve been in a really rocky space. Many arguments and many times of me leaving to go be w. My family. I end up coming back because we actually do love eachother . Its jst that this whole year has been consistent chaos . Its to the point where i barely even know how to start a conversation w. Him at this point. We have both just been living w. Eachother in ALMOsST complete silence. I jst want us to get our old spark back. Ive suggested a date. But is there any other thing we can try ? I dont wanna jst give up on the 5 yrs we spent together. I miss us being goofy together , play fighting , random kisses , massages , all of it . Now its jst so dead . He’s harder to talk to. I adk a question i get a mumbled response , 1 word respnse or no response at all . I told him it feels like he doesnt even like me anymore and he claims “ i love tf outta u. Everything we been through hasnt changed my feelings for you “ but it feels changed. He’s been nagging and complaining about stuff almost everyday. He wants me to do more and initiate more. But its so hard when it feels like he doesbt even WANT to engage . I try to start convos , i rub his back , i cuddle him . I do what he tells me to do . I work i cook great meals , i’ve been initiating more sex , but its not getting me anywhere i feel like . He jst confronted me because he’s tired of repeating himself about me doing the same thing everyday (wake up , make breakfast , shower , clean , cook , work & apparently i lay in bed all day ? ) but even when i do try different stuff its not enough. He says sex is becoming boring so he suggested i watch porn for new things to try …. I did && they all do the same thing i do. I mean i ask what should i be doing & he says “ u should know i already told u “ and in reality no he ddnt … he jst expects me to know. Im trying so hard to be better but i always have him down my back saying “ STOP TRYING AND JUST DO IT. IM SICK OF HEARING THAT EXCUSE “ its so much stuff . But i love him and i dont wanna give up … what can i do to bring us back ? I just need advice. I dont want yall to say “ just leave . “ because im not & im still here because I actually want to work it out and be better. We both do .