7mo shakes and hits his own head?


It seems to be something he does to self-soothe and I’m wondering if this is something normal. I mentioned this to his pediatrician but she brushed it off. I’m thinking of getting a new one for other reasons too anyway.

So he does this whenever he’s experiencing a big emotion (including being happy/excited as well as upset), is sleepy, or is breastfeeding occasionally. I’ve tried to stop him or redirect him to doing something else but he gets very upset when I do that, though I still do stop the hitting if I think he’s doing it too hard. He’s never left marks doing this. He shakes it side to side and the hitting is a rhythmic back and forth motion with his hand anywhere on his head. Should I be worrying about this or does it sound like something he’ll grow out of? He’s my first and I don’t know too much about this stuff. He’s meeting all of his milestones and is healthy.