7 year old acting out in school since new baby


Two weeks ago, I gave birth to my second child. I have a seven-year-old who lives with me, and visits his dad on the weekends, Friday and Saturday. I have my own house, but have been staying at staying at my boyfriend’s every day since having baby. My seven-year-old has his own room at bfs. He was used to staying there a couple days out of the week, but of course now this has been a change for him. I figured this along with having a new baby is a cause in his recent behaviours.

My seven-year-old has been getting in trouble at school most days out of the week. It started off as him not participating and talking back to the teachers. There was a day where he pushed a kid and refused to say sorry and then kicked something at the school. Today I got a call saying that he punched more than one child and a teacher.

With the last couple incidents, I have tried to do more one-on-one time with him because I figured he needed more attention. I also had conversations with him about his behavior, he said that he would not do it again and seemed apologetic. But there’s been more incident since then, including the one today where he punched the children and teacher.

I will also add that his dad told him if a kid bullies him and punches him he can punch them back. This is what I was told by the teacher who called me today. When the teacher asked if someone hit him, he said no. I don’t agree this was an appropriate conversation to have with our seven year-old, as now he thinks hitting is okay sometimes.

Has anyone else dealt with this around the time of having a new baby? How would you deal with this situation? I will also add my son was diagnosed with ADHD last year. He also attends daycare but he does not get in trouble at daycare. Although he has in the past, but never been physically aggressive towards other children.