Dropping nap soon approaching?

My son is two and a half and these past weeks he has been giving me the biggest fight to take his nap. Our routine is no different and he would usually just let me hold him for a while but now he yells and fights whenever I tell him it’s nap time or even worse when I try to hold him. Some days I let his energy run out and that’s when he would finally let me hold him but most times I’ve surrenders. So he’s been skipping a lot of naps lately and I have him sleep early for bedtime.

But I don’t know if it’s something he’s going through in his development or if it means nap time is almost going to be dropped—with the exception of car rides. He will easily sleep in the car. But I say this also because his tantrums lately have been so defeating. Or is this just a phase?

My daughter stopped napping at 3 so I expected the same here because I feel he still needs it. But not sure.