How to do it??

So my husband doesn't like me anymore. He is always on his phone or at work. This has made me more distant I will admit and less affectionate. I realized this and tried to force myself more affectionate....his love language is touch mine is not....but I made a huge effort for 8 or 9 months. When we talked I told him its very hard for me to wanna have sex or be physical when I have no emotional connection with him but am going to try and hoped he would just start to have conversations with me without his phone in his hand. Well 9 months later I have kept up what he needs and he has yet to make an effort. He claims he spent a year unhappy so until he decides its long enough he doesn't think he can do what I need. I cook, clean, take care of all house chores, do all the appts for everyone, do all the child care/school items, plan every event/vacation, do all the yard work, all the grocery/home shopping, if we have a project do all of it from bids to finish, I make sure all the bills are paid, take care of the pets...literally everything. He works then comes home and sits with his phone in his hand. It is now clear his resentment is so deep I am.digging out of such a hole I will never see the top so think I need to think divorce. Here is the issue...I've been a sahm mom for 6 years. I have no money if my own as all our stuff is joint. I have no family, and I mean none at all. I also don't havr any friends anymore as after I became a sahm we moved and we live super super rural so no people around. How can I be a single mom to 3 with zero help at all? I know he doesn't like me anymore and thinks if me as just a dumb housewife but I don't know how to leave. I also don't trust him with the kids solo. He doesn't do any real parenting so the kids don't like to deal with him and if they misbehave at all he goes on his phone. He is always on his phone or watching a video the few times he has to watch them all solo, which is maybe 12 times a year total for less than 2 hrs a time while I do pta. Our oldest is a nonverbal autistic 6 yr old and the youngest 5 months. I am afraid one of the kids will get seriously injured as he doesn't actually watch them. Not having them with me 24/7 is why I hesitate to leave. There is no legal reason he won't get custody but everytime he watches them there is an injury and I come home to at least 1 of them crying and him upset they didn't listen absolutely perfectly. They are amazingly well behaved but they are 4 and 6...and a baby. What do I do?