Bf won’t hear me out about daughters dad

My bf never hears me out about my daughters dad and thinks I shouldn’t text him. I have to text my ex for our daughter but I struggle with keeping the conversations about plans for our daughter. I just have difficulty accepting that my daughters dad can somehow be there for another woman and their child together in another state.

I know I should put these feelings aside for my daughter but it’s hard. Maybe I need to go to therapy for my anger and hatred to my ex but it’s like his actions go against being there for my daughter. It’s just his past actions trigger me and I’m not as accepting towards his he mentioned his mom wanting to know if Riley had an ancestry account and that triggered me. He used to lie and say he was sterile in an attempt to get me to admit I “cheated” because he didn’t want our daughter to be his. So I’m thinking he’s trying the same thing again and trying to find out if our daughter is really his since he used to bring up DNA tests all the time to be sure,

So that’s why I get triggered presently because even though he’s trying now in the past he treated me horribly thinking our daughter wasn’t his. And then he’s trying to ask to see our daughter for thanksgiving however above that is his current baby mama texting me telling me about how he hasn’t got any money yet from his job, and how I should stop speaking on them and just going on about basically how I should just focus on coparenting and implying that I still want my ex.

That’s the farthest from the truth I hate that guy and he’s unattractive so I don’t want him back. I get upset because she’s tried contacting me on Facebook and I ignored her because I don’t want to speak with her. She has nothing to do with Riley. They aren’t married either they just live together for now. So he tried being like oh can I see Riley for thanksgiving. But Im just like hey don’t allow her to text me or contact me I’m only supposed to talk with you about Riley. And I’m basically repeating what she said but towards her and saying that she shouldn’t be talking on my daughter since she has nothing to do with her.

I guess she had said to not talk about their kid since I had got upset at my ex for being there more for his current kid than Riley since he moved away. And that’s why she was like oh don’t talk about my child but yet goes on to talk about mine.

Anyway, my ex doesn’t pay child support, has never really helped with taking her to daycare, or bought any diapers or has made moves to help me with our daughter financially. It’s always an excuse, “ oh I don’t have a job right now” or “oh I haven’t gotten paid yet from my job” like damn that was weeks ago that I asked for help for Riley’s daycare and you still haven’t got paid..? I doubt it or if that’s the case why be a bum and go out having kids when you can’t support them financially,

But my bf got mad when I told him I texted him and hung up on me. I felt disrespected because that’s rude just to hang up on someone. I was only replying at first to let him know if he could see our daughter but then I read the older messages I hadn’t saw and it was his other baby mama saying bullshit that made me mad. Like wtf he needs his other baby mama to protect him and he can’t speak for himself. So now idk what to do I’m upset that he keeps letting her text me and speak with me as if she should be involved in conversations about our daughter. I’m not letting my bf have full blown conversations with my ex and having him tell my ex how we should co parent like wtf.

Even if they were married like I don’t want to speak with her. She ain’t a saint either she cheated on my ex multiple times and even hit him and kicked him. So bad that he went to the hospital and he isn’t innocent either. But for whatever reason I’m the biggest villain encountered. She’s threatened to beat me, my mom and my daughter up. And he still went back to her like wtf. They both are toxic asf and just stayed together because they have a baby and he’s probably really attracted to her so he feels like he can’t leave after all that. Because he left me over when I had watched him on a ring camera talking to his friend and I thought he was cheating and confronted him.

I accuse my current bf of cheating at times and yeah I’m insecure but he never was like oh let me break up with you, he just reassured me no I’m not and that’s it. Or if my bf thinks I’m cheating and tells me so I reassure him I’m not, it’s normal to worry like that sometimes. But my ex just wasn’t attracted to me anymore and probably saw his way out. That’s the only explanation because why is he staying with a woman who has openly cheated on him, and tried to fight him?? And she says crazy shit too about how she was going to have sex with her ex while she was pregnant with his kid,

But somehow I’m the villain and the most monstrous person out there. 🫠