Implantation or early Flo??


I have 30-32 day cycle, I am on CD 27. Hubby and I have been trying for over a year recently tracking LH.

Aunt Flo is usually late to the party when she’s not on time(on the 30th day), so you can see my confusion when I see this and I’m not supposed to start yet. I wiped twice(second wipe, not pictured, barely had anything on it) because if it was my flo it wouldn’t be gone in one wipe…

It’s watery but also has bits of sticky cm looking stuff.

I’m not sure what to think when I google implantation bleeding, I’m not sure if this is too much for implantation, so here I am!

Could this be implantation bleeding??

#implantationbleeding #ttc #30daycycle #pleasehelp #glow #glowhelp