Septum piercing too close to bone? Should I take it out?

I got it pierced 4 days ago. It's healing beautifully for the most part. It moves freely and the skin isn't irritated at all. However, if I barely even tap the tip of my nose, it feels like the ring bumps up against my nose bone. It sends electric like pain up my nose into my sinuses. Is this normal? I'm trying not to panic and I'm trying to chalk it up to 'it's still healing, it was only done 4 days ago'. Before I get people on here shouting at me "oF cOuRsE iT hUrTs, ItS a PeIrCiNg," please keep in mind I'm just a human who's worried that, if I leave this in, I'm going to fuck up my nose. Thanks for any advice 🙏🏻