Ear piercing at home ??! Help

I’m wanting to re-pierce my second lobe, but I’m not sure if I should.  a while back on my right ear. I used a piercing gun on my second and third lobe piercing on my right ear.  They healed perfectly barely bled if they even blood but then when I pierced my second lobe, I believe I used a needle and I got it through, but it was bleeding quite a bit. It did stop, but I felt like it hurt more than my right one and for some reason, I could feel a small little bump near my piercing. I’m not sure if I had it before I pierced my ear I don’t think I did. As of today, I just tried to re-pierce it, but it was already bleeding and hurting and the ball formed again but now it’s gone I really want it pierced. What are y’all’s thoughts ?