Implantation bleeding or period

I’ve been spotting since the 12th and it’s really weird so I’ll have very tiny I mean small blood clots but only when I poop sometime when I pee… and the blood clots happened 3-4 time now but the spotting has been weird I don’t have any cramps I kinda felt cramps the 10th-11th if I remember correctly. But I would spot when I wipe or sometimes not at all and there would be nooooo discharge like yesterday saw a small blood clot and very tiny then a lil blood maybe a lil darker pinkish than the picture a showed u but that’s cuz there was more spotting coming out when I wiped… then the rest of the day nothing. And today same thing very tiny blood clot but only when I pooped a lil spotting went into the toilet nothing like a period then I wiped it was a lil darker pink wiped again and it went back to the pink which is the picture I have. I keep testing and all say negative please help. My fiancé keeps saying that he thinks I’m pregnant but I’m to anxious to believe him