It's TTC time. Ready to make this month, the month of joy :)

Krystle • Mommy to my Beautiful Munk Munk 🧡
It's CD 5. Today truly starts the TTC :). This will be our 2nd cycle trying. I feel like we didn't truly TRY last month cause we thought it would just happen. But i think pregnancies "just happening" is more seen in Romance movies & tv shows about teens lol jk. Nonetheless, when my period show up 4 days ago I was truly sad, but for real I'm ready to make this happen. I'm tracking bbt, using opks, preseed and anything else that will give me & my husband that little bundle of joy I've wanted and been waiting for, for all my life. Thanks to those who I talked to this past month that told me not to give up and keep on trying. Good luck & baby dust to everyone who is TTC in OCT. Hopefully this month will be the month!!!!