Has my miscarriage outlasted the Glow app?

I miscarried sometime in October, but didn't know until the week of Thanksgiving. I have come a long way—what seems to have been another lifetime. Sometimes I get a little emotional, but there's no more emotional sting. I feel great and I'm ready to try again...but I'm still bleeding. It's lessening bit by tiny bit every week. I was hoping for a pregnancy Christmas gift, then I thought I would get a 'just spotting' Christmas gift and I rejoiced when it was brown. I switched from a stupid pad to a pantyliner! Then I felt a tiny cramp and more bleeding... It's like two steps forward, one step back. The <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> said something about 'you've probably started your period again, so it's time to switch to [the other version]'. That hurt a bit. Now there are no more inspirational quotes—just stuck on the Martin Luther King Jr. one. Kind of depressing... This is kind of creeping in on my husband's and my intimacy. It's time to be done with this process! Can anyone relate??