Judgemental children

 Have you ever been in a situation where your children are judging you? My family is Catholic but we don’t really practice but I share custody with my kids dad and he’s been on this Bible reading thing with them for the past couple of years. I pick them up from him and all the way home I gotta hear about how they love me but they are scared I’m going to hell if I don’t repent of my sins. I tried talking to their dad about and of course he says he’s not telling them to say that to me. They have their own Bibles and some of the things they’ve learned, I don’t mind, like the part about honoring your mother and obeying your parents. They’ve got good values and they know lying and stealing are wrong etc etc, but feeling like they’re judging my lifestyle is bothersome. I’ve been considering taking their dad to court for parental alienation. Do you think I’d have a case? My own kids spreading hate- I never dreamed this could happen.

Edit: My kids are 8 years old

Edit 2: well they’re judging me because I’m gay and tell me I shouldn’t date women. If they see me drunk they say something about that. At one point we were talking about having a child together and they’re telling me that two women can’t have a baby and I explain to them how all couples can have kids through <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> and how it allows for different types of families to be created.

I think they still love me so I guess it’s not alienation of affection but it still just feels so wrong to have my kids throwing the Bible in my face.