Name etiquette

So, I’m still in my first trimester. But I’m working on names now because we didn’t pick my daughters name til the very last second when the birth certificate lady came to my hospital room.

I’m wondering if this will cause bitterness??

My girl name choices are Wren or Georgia which is fine.

But my boy names are Felix or Henry. Henry is my choice Felix is my husbands. I was talking to my best friend who is also my cousin about my name choices and she informed me our other cousin whom we never see or speak to, her sons middle name is Henry.

Boys are so hard to pick names and Henry is the only name I actually like but I don’t want anyone to get mad or annoyed with me. Because I care too much about stuff like that 😑🙄

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Posted at
It’s a middle name of a cousin you don’t see.. enough said


Posted at
I don’t even give a shit about any of my cousins’s kid’s first names let alone their middle names when considering baby names lol. Use it if you like it.


Posted at
I wouldn't worry about that one single bit. You never see them and its just the middle name. If they get upset, thats their own problem to deal with.


Posted at
I wouldn't give a damn about a distant cousins sons middle name. I can't tell you no one will be upset because people are idiots, but there is no way I would avoid a good name I love because of someone I barely know exists.


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I wouldn't worry about it at all. My SIL is due a month after I am and we coincidently ended up picking the same middle name for our girls, neither of us are bitter about it!


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I don’t think it’s that serious. We named our son Theo & then later found out that my SO’s cousin just had a baby he named Theo as well. We didn’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ & we literally never see him, so doesn’t really matter. You wouldn’t have known if she didn’t tell you.. and it’s a middle name/ very common name. I wouldn’t worry about it whatsoever