Sex and pregnancy

Emily • 29, Loving Wife Mommy to Abrielle 💖 7/28/16 Mommy Again 2/19/19 💙💖
My poor hubby has been wonderful. I'm 10 weeks pregnant and for the last 5 weeks he's had to wait about 10 days in between each time we've had sex. I feel bad, but I know it's kind of part of the first trimester.
Also, the first 2 times we did, I had really heavy cramping and one time lightly spotted so I've been anxious about it. I haven't mentioned it to my doctor, and I haven't had spotting since my 8 week appointment. We've had sex recently and there was no sporting or cramping so I'm getting over the anxiety a bit.
But does anyone have any tips? Positions? Anything?